CEO Thank You

Hey there visitor of the Darb Alwatan Web page!

Great that you are interested in our beloved company and even better maybe is interested in to work at DAW as we in everyday speech call our company.

Darb Alwatan, as you might know, in Arabic means “home trail – the way home”. Either if you work, or want to work with us, on the roads, our depots, our stations or in our offices we at the DAW Team always will try to act as an extra family away from home with you as a natural and appreciated company family member.

We aim to create and maintain a Work place atmosphere of caring, friendly and communicative colleagues because life then becomes so much easier. Both between colleagues itself, but also in our endeavor of wellbeing so that we everyday can deliver our Mission to our Customers.

Do you want membership in the DAW family? Can you act as a family member? Welcome with your application!

"Thank you for your interest in Darb Alwatan!" Says Hans Nilsson, Family member and CEO