
When you start to work at Darb Alwatan you are already good and appreciated as a coming and valued colleague and Team member. But good is not enough, we need to be great together! So therefore we will provide you with education and training so you have the best necessary tools and skills to become a professional and master in your own specific profession at DAW.

Our Academy is located in our newly built Depot and Head office in Dammam where we also have our new Training and Simulation Centre.


All of our employees starts with an Introduction education called the DAW WAY.

The first Introduction education module is about our Customers, our clients, our company and goals. This so we all can be aligned in our common work together.

The DAW WAY continues thereafter with a second Introduction education module. This time in safety and quality methods learning all how to work to become continuously better in our different professions, because when the requisites in our society changes we need to develop our methods with it!

After you has completed the DAW WAY Introduction education you will move on to your specific profession education and training.

Bus drivers Basic education modules

Bus drivers Continuing education modules Other profession specialized Further education modules

Management and Leadership Further education modules

"If you have the will to do the work – we will help you to succeed, Welcome to Darb Alwatan!" Says Hossam Kamel, Academy Manager and responsible to motivate the DAW Mission to all employees.